100 Days to Berlin - Marathon Pace Run

100 Days to Berlin - Marathon Pace Run

What better way to tune up ahead of the race with a marathon workout long run. Guided by our London Community Manager, Amrit, we'll embark on a run of which a chunk will be run at your goal marathon pace. This run is free and open to runners of all abilities.

We meet at 9:00AM, with the run kicking off at 9:30AM. We will have coffee, water and bananas pre-run and post-run, breakfast will be provided. Runners of all abilities are welcome to join us.

There will be Maurten Gel 100 and Drink Mix 160 available before the run to trial, for more info, please visit Maurten for more details.

Workout Details are:

5k Warmup
5 x 3km at Marathon Pace with 1km Recovery Jog
5k Cooldown

Run Distance: 30k / 18.6 Miles

Pace groups will range from:

3:00hr Marathon Group:
Warmup/Cooldown pace: 8:00/mile - 5:00/km
Marathon Effort - 6:50/mile - 4:15/km

3:15hr Marathon Group:
Warmup/Cooldown pace: 8:30/mile - 5:20/km
Marathon Effort - 7:25/mile - 4:35/km

3:30hr Marathon Group:
Warmup/Cooldown pace: 9:00/mile - 5:35/km
Marathon Effort - 8:00/mile - 5:00/km

3:45hr Marathon Group:
Warmup/Cooldown pace: 9:30/mile - 5:55/km
Marathon Effort - 8:30/mile - 5:20/km

4:00hr Marathon Group:
Warmup/Cooldown pace: 10:00/mile - 6:20/km
Marathon Effort - 9:00/mile - 5:35/km

4:30hr Marathon Group:
Warmup/Cooldown pace: 11:00/mile - 6:50/km
Marathon Effort - 10:00/mile - 6:15/km

5:00hr Marathon Group:
Warmup/Cooldown pace: 12:00/mile - 7:25/km
Marathon Effort - 11:00/mile - 6:50/km

Full breakdown of the route and pace groups will be published on our Strava Event page. We are asking all runners joining us for the first time to fill out this run club waiver before arriving.