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Hare A.C.


Hare A.C. is a global community of passionate, performance-minded runners with exclusive access to rewards, race-weekend hospitality, early access shopping, partner discounts, and other member benefits. Members of Hare A.C. live, work, and train in all corners of the globe, brought together by a desire to connect, compete and explore running culture. They are on the inside lane for all of our most anticipated product releases, exclusive experiences and enjoy direct access to the Tracksmith team.


Hare A.C. membership is offered on an annual basis (starting from the date of purchase.) Upon joining, new members receive a team kit complete with the official Hare A.C. Van Cortlandt singlet, a keepsake membership number, welcome letter, and a limited edition annual training log (shipped with original membership and all renewals).

Membership is club, crew and team agnostic. No matter your affiliation on race day, we invite you to join this global community of like-minded athletes.



Upon joining, members receive the official Hare A.C. singlet, bib number, welcome letter and more. Members also receive an annual leatherbound Training Journal and a free METER subscription (a quarterly magazine that explores the hidden side of running culture).

Members of Hare A.C. are eligible for our annual PR Bonus. Run a verified PR* while wearing Tracksmith and submit your results for a $100 gift card. Members, submit your PR Bonus here. (one per 12-month membership cycle).

*Until 4/30/24, Hare A.C. members may also take part in the Tracksmith PR Bonus without it counting against their annual PR Bonus. Please note that only one bonus will be awarded for a single performance.

Join us at one of the many events on our 2023 race schedule. Members gain access to exclusive hospitality suites, treatment and race support at Marathon Majors and a handful of premium destination races on your bucket list. This includes private events, bus shuttles, team dinners, guest speakers, pre-race massages and treatments, early access shopping, and more.

Members receive early access to limited-edition collections and the yearly Silver Medal Sale and are kept in the know about our latest releases and collaborations. Members also have exclusive access to a revolving collection of Members Only Product and free shipping on all orders.

Members can join the Private Slack Channel with the opportunity to connect with other members globally as well as the Hare A.C. Concierge Team. Members also receive the regular Hare A.C. Newsletter with the most up to date information on products, events, training & more from our expert Community & Athlete Experience leads, including two-time Olympic Medalist Nick Willis.

Hare A.C. is partnering with Maurten and Hyperice to support our members’ fueling and recovery needs in 2023. These partnerships include exclusive discounts, educational seminars and Hare A.C. Lounge support at the Marathon Majors.


If you have questions about Hare A.C. or if you’d like to gift someone a membership, please reach out to the team at